Thermography is the use of Thermal Imaging Cameras to detect faults in your Electrical Distribution System before they compromise your electrical supply. At recommended intervals of 12 months Bryley Electrical will check each switchboard and every part of your electrical system for faults. Minor issues, such as loose connections, can usually be rectified on the spot. At the end of the process we provide you with a full report on the state of your distribution system.
Thermography allows us to detect any problems early and is recommended by most insurance companies. If carried out on a regular basis, Electrical Thermography may even allow you to slice a bit off your premiums. Generally speaking a routine repair is a much cheaper option than losing power completely when a switchboard blows up. In this way, scheduled preventative maintenance pays for itself in the long run. Just like your own health, prevention is better than cure!
Take advantage of Bryley Electrical’s expertise and let us help you prevent electrical system failure. Speak to us today about performing Electrical Thermography or other preventative maintenance on your premises.