Ever wondered where all the old light globes and fluorescent tubes go when they have served their purpose ? We can tell you ! Unfortunately , in most cases they end up in landfill but not if we can help it . Most globes and tubes have mercury in them which is one of the most harmful chemical in existance. 1 broken tube can leak enough mercury into the ecosystem to create plenty of damage to the environment , our water supply , millions of animals and us as well .
Bryley Electrical for one , don’t contribute to this problem . All the waste globes/tubes that we generate when doing our clients maintenance , go to a recycling plant , where all the mercury , scrap metal etc are extracted and reused where possible .
Yes , this comes with a price as does any sort of recycling but a Bryley , we think this is a small price to pay for the future of our planet .
If you are a large , commercial or industrial business in Melbourne , Bryley Electrical can not only assist you with all your lighting and electrical maintenance , we will also make you feel good about it !